Join session on NET RIKS WORK ( and SURE ( Projects
COMMUNICATING RISKS IN Decision Support Systems: from basic research to advance decision support tools.
6th – 8th of June 2018.
6 and 7th June in Solsona and 8th of June Barcelona (Spain).
Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) – SuFoRun project:
SuFoRun is Marie Skodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) action funded by the European Union H2020. Is focused on forestry and climate change interactions, including the development of adaptive forest management tools. The SuFoRUn consortium is built to include highly qualified research institutions in nine countries (i.e. Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil and USA) that share complementary interests in key scientific disciplines for the development of the forest sector. The project will serve to exchange and generate knowledge on multipurpose forests, addressing risk and uncertainty and the development of knowledge on methods and tools to support policy analysis and development in a context of global change. The project strengthens research collaboration through active networking, staff exchange and dissemination activities between the participants.
Further information of the project is available at the website:
IUFRO Units 4.04.07 risk analysis and 4.04.04 – SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING
The Risk Analysis working party will bring together individuals with diverse research interests in forestry in order to share techniques of risk analysis. As a working party that will focus less on a specific biological issue, and more on a widely applicable methodology, it will foster unique cross-disciplinary co-operation as it contributes to the IUFRO mission of “[disseminating] knowledge to stakeholders and decision makers and [contributing] to forest policy and on-the-ground forest management”.
Unit 4.04.04 focuses on the development and application of new methods and tools for efficiently and effectively managing forests. An objective of this unit is to facilitate interaction, dissemination and exchange of new models, methods and technological innovations to address sustainable forest management scheduling through workshops, conferences, and publications.
Conference objectives and methodology:
This international conference will focus on the presentation of models, methods and decision support systems that may be used by public administrators, forest owners and industry for forest management planning in a context of risk and uncertainty. This conference is co-financed by the SuFoRun international R&D project ( and is organized by Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC, Spain) and IUFRO unit 4.04.07.
The conference wants to provide a meeting and discussion space on scientific and expert knowledge about risk and uncertainty and methods to include this knowledge in decision support tools. Risk and uncertainty includes topics as climate change, wildfires, storms, avalanches … The conference has the following specific objectives;
- Understanding the impacts of climate change and different hazards in forestry
- Presenting results of modeling risk and uncertainty
- Underlying uncertain factors in forest decision-making process
- Presenting tools for identifying, propagating and analysisng uncertanity in forestry
- Understanding the implications of integrating risks in forestry
- Presenting useful approaches to communicate risks and uncertainty with stakeholders
- Presenting approaches and tools to deal with risk
The agenda includes sessions with key note speakers as well as presentations from other researchers. The conference starts in Solsona 6th of June (full day conference), followed by a fieldtrip on the 7th of June which will serve to analyze the case of wildfires in the region. After the fieldtrip participants will travel to Barcelona where will overnight and the 8th of June the last day of the conference will take place. An active participation of the invited attendants is expected.
Tuesday, 5th June 2018 – Arrival | |
day | Arrival to Solsona |
20:00 | Reception and registration (at Consell Comarcal, Carrer els Dominics 14, Solsona) |
Wednesday, 6th June 2018 – Conference Day 1: Studying impacts of different sources of risk and uncertainty | |
09:00 | Registration |
09:15 | Welcome and presentation of the seminar (Toni Trasobares head of the CTFC, Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, coordinator of the SuFoRun project and researcher at the Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya – CTFC,),” |
09:35 – 10:00 | Opening session: Rasoul Yousepfpour (Coordinator of the IUFRO Working Group 4.04.0: ”Risk Analysis) |
10:00 – 10:50 | Key note 1: Jette B. Jacobsen (Real Options in dealing with risks) |
10:50 – 11:20 | Coffee break |
11:20 – 13:15 | Session 1. SuFoRun project outcomes
SuFoRun project. Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo (CTFC, Spain). Optimizing the Regularity of the High Standard Eucalyptus Wood Supply to Pulp Mills under Uncertainty. Silvana Nobre (UPM, Spain) A genetic algorithm for spatial planning: addressing risk in harvesting interventions. Pedro Belavenutti (UPM, Spain). Uncertainty associated for selecting impact indicators to measure a green transformation in the land use sector of Costa Rica. Victor Milla (CATIE, Costa Rica). Future fire regime changes in Catalonia under novel climates: insights for risk management. Andrea Duane (CTFC, Spain). Developing Conservation Plans, a MIP Approach for Multi-Action Planning for Threat Management. Virgilio Hermoso, José Salgado (CTFC, Spain). |
13:15 – 14: 45 | Lunch |
14:45 – 15:30 | Keynote 2: Pedro Zorrilla (Insurance Value of Ecosystems). |
15:30 – 16:30 | Session 2.
New approaches to assessing the relative risk to different tree species from pest and disease and drought, that support species selection in forest carbon and timber projects. Susan Davies (University of Edinburgh). Landscape diversity for reduced risk of insect damages: case study of spruce bud-scale in Latvia. Endijs Bāders (Latvian State Forest Research Institute ) Dynamically modeling forest development under the influence of environmental hazards. Peter Antkowiak (Chair of Forestry Economics and Forest Planning, University of Freiburg). |
16:30 – 17:00 | Coffee-break |
17:00 – 18:30 | Session 3. Dealing with forest risks interactions under climate change context across Europe, linking science and practicioners.
Join session on NET RIKS WORK ( and SURE ( Projects: 10’ Sure project contributions on forest risks assessing. Marcus Lindner and Laura Nikinmaa. EFI. 10’ Sure Project, giving continuation to Forest Risk Facility initiative on lessons learned and knowledge exchange. The RiskPlatform tool ( Laura Nikinmaa. EFI. 10’ Net Risks Work Project, discussing forests risks evolution and interactions within a cross-sectoral approach; the case of wildfires, storms, floods and avalanches. Eduard Plana, CTFC. 10’ Collection of best practices on forest risks management. Núria Prat, PCF. 25’ Fundamentals of forest risk awareness and networking. Matrix tool for assessing risks interactions. Yvonne Hengst-Ehrhart, FVA. 10’ European Wildfire Risk Node (EWRN) development. Núria Prat, PCF. Questions and remarks |
21:00 | Conference Dinner at Hotel Sant Roc (open to all participants) |
Thursday, 7th June 2018 – Conference Day 2: Field trip; wildfire risks | |
08:30 | Departure from Solsona (meeting point to be confirmed) |
Full day | Wildfire risk (resilience forest management guidelines or mass wood mobilization post-catastrophe will be discussed) |
17:30 | End of field trip and transfer to BCN |
Friday, 8th June 2018 – Workshop Day 3: Integrative planning under risk and uncertainty | |
09:00 – 9:45 | Key note 3: Marc Hanewinkel (How to handle Risk and natural Hazards) |
09:45 – 11:00 | Session 4
An economic comparison of adaptation strategies towards a drought-induced risk of forest decline: financial vs. carbon balance (preliminary version). Marielle Brunette (INRA nancy). Impacts of climate change and forest management on tree microhabitat and bird community in temperate forests: finding robust management solutions for biodiversity conservation. Andrey Lessa (Univ of Freiburg). Forest estate planning under uncertainty – a case study from southeast Australia. Andrew Haywood (EFI). |
11:00 – 11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30 – 13:30 | Session 5.
Implementing survival probabilities into the stand valuation. Roman Koster (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen). Assessing factors of tree heatlh condition in the deforested mountain regions of Central Europe. Wiktor Tracz (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland). Affecting factors of wind-induced damage at the stand-level in Latvia after windstrom in 2005. Janis Donis (Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava). Management perspectives and dynamic patterns of trees species in miombo forestCase study in Huambo province, Angola. Vasco Valério Chiteculo Chassusso (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague ). Effect of bark stripping on wind resistance of Norway spruce. Oskars Krisans (Latvian State Forest Research Institute ). Developping forest management plans under uncertainty. Cristobal Pais (Universidad de Chile, Chile). |
13:30 – 15:00 | Lunch |
15:00 – 16:30 | Session 6.
Decision support tool for assessment of climate change on forest growth and yield. Irina Cristal (CTFC). Decision support tool for assessment of survival of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch spp. after forest fire. Jānis Donis (Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava). A decision-making tool to identify best practices for post-fire salvage logging in Mediterranean forests. Eduard Mauri (EFI-ATLANTIC) Developing Decision Support Tools for Managing Forest Wind Risk in South-west Europe within the PLURIFOR Project. Barry Gardiner (EFI atlantic) |
16:30 – 16:45 | Conclusions and wrapping-up |
16:45 – 17:00 | Closing |
Organizing team:
- Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo. (Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia CTFC, Solsona, Spain).
- Rasoul Yousefpour. (University of Freiburg, Germany).
- Imma Clop (Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia CTFC, Solsona, Spain).
- Goran Krsnik (Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia CTFC, Solsona, Spain).
Scientific committee:
- Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo (Centre Tecnológic Forestal de Catalunya, Spain)
- Rasoul Yousefpour, (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- José Guilherme Borges (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal)
- José Ramón González-Olabarria (Centre Tecnológic Forestal de Catalunya, Spain)
- Marielle Brunette (INRA-Nancy, France)
- Jan Kaspar (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czeck Republic)
- Teodora Minkova (Washington State Department of Natural Resources, USA)
Call for abstracts
We welcome abstracts for oral presentations that are related to the to the topic of this conference. The abstracts will be used to group presentations into sessions of similar content and they will also be collated into the program book for distribution at the meeting. We would like to receive extended abstracts with an upper limit of 400 words (not including title, authors and author affiliations and keywords), and the abstract can also include a figure and citations (please use font type Times New Roman, font size 12 and line spacing 1.5. The program booklet does not constitute a publication and therefore will not prevent future submission and publication of work that it is outlined in the abstract.
Please include the following information in the abstract:
- Underline the name of the presenting author, and provide contact email address.
- Provide address details for all authors.
- Please prepare the abstract using Microsoft Word.
- Please submit it named as “LASTNAME_RiskAnalysis_abstract.doc”
- Submit the abstract to this e-mail address:
The abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2018 (extended deadline May 15, 2018). All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Authors will be informed of the review results by May 20, 2018. Be aware that All speakers are required to register by June 1st or their submission will be pulled from the program. Requests for Invitation Letters will be considered after abstract submission.
Send requests to along with abstract.
Annals of Forest Science will publish a special issue that includes papers submitted by researchers participating in the conference (after a peer review process).
Attendance and participation:
Fees & Registration
Fees: The seminar fee will be 270 euros for registrations up to 15th of May, for late registrations (after 15th of May) the fee will be 375 euros. The registration fee will cover welcoming cocktail, lunches, coffee breaks, official dinner, transportation from/to Barcelona and the field trip.
Registration: Be aware that the total audience is limited. If you are interested in participating and you want to receive an email when the registration system is ready please contact to ( Be aware that special price for hotels will be kept for those registered before April 15th after that date we can not promise these prices.
Please to ensure a special price for the hotels in Solsona you must inform us about your hotel selection when registering to the conference and we will make the reservation for you (see table 1 for hotel options and prices).
In the case of Barcelona we do not have agreements with hotels. Therefore, feel free to arrange your own stay for the 7th of June onwards.
Practical information
The conference will take place first (6-7th of June) in the Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, Crtra St Llorenç de Morunys, Km 2, Solsona, Lleida, Spain and later (8th of June) in Barcelona (in Palau Robert). The address of the venue in Barcelona is: Palau Robert. Information Center of Catalonia Passeig de Gràcia, 107 08008 Barcelona.
Shuttle buses (covered by the registration fee) will be organized by CTFC on June 5th to transport participants from Barcelona to Solsona city center (the trip takes about 1h30). Meeting point and schedule of the buses (probably two different times) will be organized and specified later. Buses from Solsona to Barcelona on the 7th will also be organized by CTFC.
Please when registering indicate your arrival and departure time. This will help us to organize the buses and provide you exact information.
Hotel information in Solsona.
Hotels in Solsona | Prices Breakfast included | Comments |
Hotel Sant Roc | Double rooms: 99 €
Single rooms: 71 € (58€ if >2 nights) |
At the city centre.
La freixera | Double rooms: 95 €
Single rooms: 58 € |
At the city centre.
Hotel Solsona Centre | Double rooms: 55 €
Single rooms: 35 € |
At the city centre |
Seminar Hostel | Double rooms: 44 €
Single rooms: 25 €
At the city centre.
No wifi available in the rooms but available at common spaces. No TV. No room service. |
Hostal Crisami | Double rooms: 65 €
Single rooms: 38 €
300 m from the city centre
Hotel Gran Solsona
Double rooms: 61.5 €
Single rooms: 44 €
600m from the city centre. No wifi available in the rooms but available at common spaces. |
Hotel information in Barcelona.
We do not have agreements with any hotel in Barcelona, pleaes book yourself your hotel.
How to arrive to Solsona from Barcelona (For those that can not make it to the organized buses)
Shared taxis can be arranged. The cost of the taxi is around 120 €.
Other options:
By regular Bus
- Regular buses between Barcelona city center and Solsona. The company is and the buses depart from Estació d’autobusos Barcelona-Nord
Departing time (Barcelona) | Arrival time (Solsona) | Price (one way) | Price (round trip) | Service days |
6:30 | 8:35 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | Every day |
11:00 | 13:29 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | Monday to Friday |
15:00 | 17:05 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | Every day |
18:45 | 21:14 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | Monday to Friday |
Departing time (Solsona) | Arrival time (Barcelona) | Price one way | Price round trip | Service days |
06:10 | 08:30 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | from Monday to Friday |
07:55 | 10:00 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | every day |
14:30 | 16:50 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | from Monday to Friday |
16:55 | 19:00 | 17.4€ | 31.4€ | every day |
By car
- Of course you can come to Solsona with your own car or with a rented one! In case you prefer to rent a car, we recommend this link to find cheap cars but of course you can use any other seach engine:
* Please remember to inform us about your arrival/departure times, hotel preferences and need to organize shared taxis for you. We do need this information to formalize the hotel reservations for you and to organize taxis if needed.
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